Wine Down with Sommelier Chris Fulp 2024-04-25


Wine Down with Sommelier Chris Fulp for 2024-04-25

Wine Down with Sommelier Chris Fulp

Thursday, April 25th | 6PM to 7:30PM

Get ready to uncork the fun with Sommelier Chris Fulp for our Thursday night Wine Down!

Ever wondered about the secrets behind the perfect pour? Or how to swirl, sniff, and sip like a pro? Chris is here to spill the grapes on the world of wine!

With an array of sensational wines waiting to be uncorked, get ready to tantalize your taste buds and discover your new favorite flavors. From zesty whites to velvety reds, there's a sip for every palate.

But that's not all! Get ready to put your deductive skills to the test as we dive into some seriously fun-tasting games. Can you guess the grape? Or pinpoint the region with just one sip? It's time to unleash your inner wine detective!


Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc

Kendall Jackson Chardonnay

Estancia Pinot Noir

Franciscan Cabernet

Member (21+) $20 | Non Member (21+) $25

Includes: 4 Wine Tasting, Tasting Cards, Cheese Boards

Reservation Required | 757.496.9090 | ForeTees

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